Кто мы
Кто мыМеждународная организация по миграции (МОМ) является частью системы Организации Объединенных Наций в качестве ведущей межправительственной организации, содействующей гуманной и упорядоченной миграции на благо всех. МОМ присутствует в Российской Федерации с 1992 года.
О нас
О нас
МОМ на глобальном уровне
МОМ на глобальном уровне
Наша работа
Наша работаКак ведущая межправительственная организация, содействующая гуманной и упорядоченной миграции, МОМ играет ключевую роль в поддержке достижения Повестки дня до 2030 года посредством различных областей работы, которые связывают как гуманитарную помощь, так и устойчивое развитие.
Что мы делаем
Что мы делаем
- Данные и ресурсы
- Начните действовать
- 2030 Agenda
Labour Migration in the CIS region
The Russian version of the IOM Handbook on Establishing Effective
Labour Migration Policies in Countries of Origin and Destination
was launched at a regional workshop on labour migration in the CIS
region organised in Moscow by the IOM, ILO and OSCE.
The main objective of the Handbook is to assist States in their
efforts to develop policy solutions and approaches for better
management of labour migration and labour migration flows in
countries of both origin and destination.
The event, which brought together more than 80 government
officials, representatives of trade union and employer
organisations from the CIS countries, allowed participants to
discuss effective practices and identify steps to be undertaken by
their respective governments to address specific labour migration
Labour migration from CIS countries is dominated by intra-regional
flows, with the Russian Federation as the principal destination.
Kazakhstan is also an important destination country for Central
Asian States.
The number of work permits issued to foreign nationals in the
Russian Federation increased to 670,000 in 2005 but the number of
undocumented migrant workers is much larger. There has also been a
marked increase in labour migration flows to EU Member States,
particularly from Ukraine and Moldova.
The Handbook was prepared earlier this year by the IOM Labour
Migration Division, with the assistance of ILO and OSCE, as well as
external experts.
For further information, please contact:
Nilim Baruah
IOM Geneva
Tel: +41 22 717 94 72