Региональная программа по миграции в Центральной Азии и России (CARM), направленная на снижение бедности в Центральной Азии, является комплексной программой в сфере трудовой миграции и объединяет деятельность Международной организации по миграции, агентства ООН Женщины и Всемирного банка, при финансовой поддержке Правительства Великобритании (UKAID/DFID).

Данная программа нацелена на содействие урегулированию вопросов в сфере трудовой миграции, которая на сегодняшний день является ключевым фактором, способствующим снижению уровня бедности в Центральной Азии. Это особенно актуально для двух наиболее бедных стран региона, Кыргызской Республики и Таджикистана. Большое количество жителей сельских районов этих государств выезжают в трудовую миграцию преимущественно в Российскую Федерацию и Казахстан.

Региональная программа поддерживает мнение, что добровольная миграция приносит пользу развивающимся странам, так как появляются новые выгодные экономические и социальные возможности для мигрантов, независимо от вида миграции (миграция высококвалифицированных специалистов или внутренняя миграция из сельской местности в город). К тому же, миграция должна рассматриваться в качестве важной составляющей процесса экономического развития. Основной целью управления трудовой миграцией должна стать максимизация доходов мигрантов, а не единственной возможностью для выживания.

Данная программа нацелена на содействие урегулированию вопросов в сфере трудовой миграции, которая на сегодняшний день является ключевым фактором, способствующим снижению уровня бедности в Центральной Азии.

Сложность процессов трудовой миграции требует разработки целостного комплекса законодательных норм и институциональных процедур, направленных на уважение, защиту и соблюдение прав трудящихся-мигрантов на протяжении всего миграционного цикла.

Целью данной программы является содействие в снижении уровня бедности путём повышения уровня жизни мигрантов (мужчин и женщин) из государств Центральной Азии.

Региональная программа направлена на защиту прав мигрантов и улучшение социально-экономического положения мигрантов (мужчин и женщин), а также их семей.

Программа имеет пять основных направлений деятельности:

  • Направление 1: Оказание экспертной поддержки в разработке и реализации государственных программ в области управления трудовой миграцией. Оказание поддержки в последовательном сборе, анализе и обмене данными (в том числе анализ гендерных различий), является одним из ключевых условий эффективной разработки программ в сфере управления трудовой миграцией.
  • Направление 2: Укрепление регионального партнерства, диалога и повышение уровня взаимодействия в области управления миграционными процессами. Эффективным способом влияния на экономические аспекты в области трудовой миграции, включая снижение уровня бедности и вопросов гендерного равенства), является улучшение координации действий всех заинтересованных сторон в сфере регулирования трудовой миграции.
  • Направление 3: Предоставление более широкого набора услуг для трудовых мигрантов и их семей (с учетом гендерных различий) на всех этапах миграционного цикла. Это будет способствовать снижению уровня неурегулированной (нелегальной) миграции, и повышению уровня защищенности иностранных работников.
  • Направление 4: Повышение уровня знаний и навыков, способствующих улучшению уровня жизни, у семей трудящихся мигрантов, оставшихся на родине. Улучшение социально-экономического статуса семей трудящихся-мигрантов, будет напрямую влиять на снижение уровня бедности в регионе.
  • Направление 5: Укрепление потенциала гражданского общества в принятии мер по повышению общественной толерантности в отношении трудящихся-мигрантов и снижению проявлений ксенофобии в принимающих странах. СМИ будут способствовать созданию положительного имиджа трудящихся-мигрантов, а НПО окажут содействие в разработке государственной стратегии социальной интеграции трудящихся-мигрантов.

Основные партнеры программы имеют большой опыт работы в сфере управления миграционными процессами в области трудовой миграции на межрегиональном уровне. Основные принципы и направления Программы были сформулированы в результате интенсивных консультаций со всеми заинтересованными сторонами на правительственном и неправительственном уровнях, включая также самих мигрантов.

Реализация Программы осуществляется в тесном сотрудничестве с региональной организацией Евразийское экономическое сообщество (ЕврАзЭС), которая координирует региональный диалог по вопросам трудовой миграции на уровне правительств.

Примеры некоторых ключевых результатов Программы:

Результат 1: Политика управления процессами трудовой миграции основана на тщательном анализе ситуации и эффективно исполняется в четырех странах:
  • Сбор и обмен данными об основных потоках и направлениях трудовой миграции (с учетом гендерных различий) осуществляется на постоянной основе между странами-участниками программы. Государственные служащие прошли обучение по методам сбора, обработки, анализа и использования данных.
  • Представители ряда государственных учреждений приняли участие в обучающих занятиях по теме взаимосвязей между гендером, миграцией и бедностью, а также получила последнюю информацию об изменениях в политике и законодательстве в сфере трудовой миграции.
  • В целях снижения количества неурегулированных мигрантов и эксплуатируемых работников проведены тренинги для 50 работодателей в Российской Федерации в области применения правил и лучшей практики по найму иностранных работников.
Результат 2: Улучшение регионального партнерства, диалога и сотрудничества в области трудовой миграции на межрегиональном уровне:
  • Развитие диалога и координации между государственными органами стран региона по ключевым вопросам трудовой миграции (совместное использование данных, гендерный аспект, доступ к медицинской помощи и социальной защите) способствует принятию эффективных межгосударственных соглашений.
  • Ряд руководящих государственных служащих и депутатов парламентов четырех государств улучшили уровень знаний в вопросах управления трудовой миграцией и свою готовность к комплексному обсуждению на региональном уровне.
  • Существующие двусторонние соглашения эффективно исполняются и способствуют применению этого опыта в региональном диалоге (между Казахстаном и Кыргызской Республикой, а также между Таджикистаном и Российской Федерацией).
Результат 3: Трудовые мигранты (женщины и мужчины) получили доступ к более широкому набору услуг на протяжении миграционного цикла:
  • Информационные Центры (новые и действующие), работающие при НПО четырех государств, предоставили эффективную правовую помощь 50,000 трудящимся мигрантам (из них 30% женщин), что позволило мигрантам принимать обоснованные решения по различным вопросам, связанным с осуществлением трудовой деятельности.
  • 674,000 человек, работодателей и потенциальных мигрантов в четырех государствах охвачены информационной кампанией, и получили необходимую информацию по вопросам легальной миграции и защиты своих прав и достоинств.
Результат 4: Повысился уровень знаний и навыков, способствующих улучшению уровня жизни у семей трудящихся мигрантов, оставшихся на родине:
  • 3,000 семей беднейших слоев трудящихся мигрантов в Таджикистане и Кыргызстане получили необходимую информацию и улучшили уровень знаний и навыков по участию в аграрном бизнесе и возможностям по получению микрокредитов.
  • Религиозные лидеры, представители местных органов управления и общественных организаций получили знания в области гендерного равенства и защиты прав женщин, что способствовало увеличению помощи брошенным женам и детям в семьях трудящихся-мигрантов.
Результат 5: Повысился потенциал организаций гражданского общества в принятии мер по повышению социальной толерантности в отношении трудящихся-мигрантов и снижению проявлений ксенофобии в принимающих странах:
  • В четырех пилотных областях Казахстана и Российской Федерации приняты стратегии социальной интеграции трудящихся-мигрантов.
  • Увеличение количества позитивных материалов о трудящихся-мигрантах (мужчинах и женщинах) в СМИ, что способствует интеграционному процессу и соблюдению прав трудовых мигрантов.

Мероприятия CARM по странам (на англ. яз.)


Output I: Polices for managing migration are evidence-based and effectively implemented.

CARMP provides support to the governments of Kazakhstan to formulate, adopt and implement evidence-based policies for managing migration that both fosters regularized migration and contributes to the protection of migrants’ rights. CARMP activities are aimed at building capacity in a sustainable manner seeking to ensure that gender equality and human rights aspects of labour migration are incorporated in reviewed policies. It will also make sure that policy makers and practitioners in Kazakhstan are better informed on the specificities of male and female labour migration.

CARMP supports the government to develop a methodology for estimating demand for foreign labour, which will improve the private sector and government’s ability to promote regularization of migrants.

CARMP commissioned experts analyze source material and prepare analytical notes with recommendations on how to improve different elements of migration management process. These also include recommendations for improving the secondary legislation, by-laws and other normative acts.

CARMP works closely in the Ministry of Interior on development of legal provisions for regularization of migrant workers.

Train stakeholders involved in developing and implementing labour migration policies.

A better system of management of labour migration needs migration officials who are trained on new skills and knowledge. CARMP train government officials on mechanisms associated with the implementation of new regulations and procedures (including secondary legislation, by laws and other normative acts).
CARMP also develops a training curriculum on migration management for the Academy of the Ministry of Interior.

Output II: Improved regional partnerships, dialogue and coordination on selected migration issues.

CARMP provides specialized expert advice to Migration Service to prepare and follow up on EurAsEC high level and expert group meetings. Topics for briefing notes are agreed and include gender issues.

Output III: Labour migrants and their families benefit from a broader range of gender sensitive services provided throughout migration cycle.

The provision of services to migrants is more effective if the underlying policies are improved, and if they are properly implemented. It is also important that there is effective coordination between different (state and non-state) service providers, among other things to ensure that different stages of the migration cycle are considered as integral part of one coherent process.

The following activities are undertaken within Output III:

  • Strengthening the capacity of the Migrants’ Support Centres (MSC) for labour migrants through training and technical assistance. The aim is to establish five operational MSCs;
  • Seminars, roundtables and meetings to foster coordination and strengthen cooperation;
  • Information dissemination to potential and current labour migrants;
  • Direct assistance and support to labour migrants provided by IOM, UN Women and Migrants’ Support Centres (consultations, legal support, return assistance, referral service); and,
  • Survey and monitoring of profiles of migrant workers in Kazakhstan and their access to services.

Strengthening the capacity of the MSCs.

Assistance to migrants in Kazakhstan is mainly provided by NGOs. Usually the NGO provides migrants with advice on legal stay (entry, exit,), opportunities for employment, rights and obligations of migrants workers. IOM has its own network of NGO partners specialized in migration issues. Some of these partners were running MSCs during previous IOM migration programmes, other Support Centres were supported by other international agencies. During the inception phase CARMP re-assessed the capacity of the existing NGO-run Migrant Support Centres.

After the evaluation CARMP selects five most suitable NGO partners to run Migrants Support Centres and trains its staff on delivering assistance to migrants, networking, conducting information campaign and reaching out to migrants in need as well as cooperation with authorities.

CARMP finances operations of MSCs which are responsible for providing counselling and assistance to labour migrants throughout the project period. All operations of the MSC are conducted in close coordination with IOM. CARMP monitors the operations of MSCs through regular reports, random check via telephone and field visits.

Seminars, round tables and coordination meetings.

CARMP organizes regular consultation events (seminars, round tables, coordination meetings) between NGOs, private sector, diaspora organizations and state employment agencies to enhance coordination and cooperation between different service providers and make sure that all the needs of labour migrants are properly referred to, and addressed by, competent service providers.

Information dissemination to potential and current labour migrants.

The aim of the information campaign is to inform the audiences of the risks related to irregular migration (and irregular employment) and to advice on ways to prevent this from happening. CARMP involves all relevant counterparts to the design and content of the information campaign. Also all relevant counterparts are involved in information dissemination.

Dissemination of information material is the best way to reach out to migrants and equip them with necessary information regarding their legal stay (and employment) and at the same time prevent them from being exposed to exploitative practices including human trafficking.

CARMP does assessment of the existing information material. Further information material are developed in close coordination with respective government officials. It is crucial for the whole awareness raising campaign that the authorities are involved to sustain the ownership of the process.

Direct assistance and support to labour migrants.

CARMP provides direct assistance to migrant workers in need. Experience shows many migrants workers are in need of not only legal counselling and representation in courts, but of assistance in negotiation with unfair employers. Many migrant workers turn for assistance only when they are in a very difficult situation. Having been treated unfairly by an employer, migrants are left without money for food, housing, clothes and to pay for their trip home. Often they are in need of urgent medical treatment. Provision of this kind of assistance to migrant workers on case by case basis is an integral part of the protection and also builds confidence amongst migrant communities who can see that, beside consultation, MSCs are capable of providing real help to labour migrants who need it.

Survey and monitoring of profiles of migrant workers in Kazakhstan and their access to services.

In order to address better the needs of labour migrants and adjust policies and protection programmes CARMP conducts a survey of profiles of migrant workers in Kazakhstan. The survey assesses the profiles of migrant workers and their access to services (health services, education, legal assistance). The survey is presented to and discussed with project partners.

Output V: Increase capacity of civil society organizations to support measures to increase social tolerance of labour migrants and reduce xenophobia in destination countries.

In Kazakhstan the activities under this output to are undertaken to increase the social tolerance of the local population towards labour migrants

CARMP supports a media scan and media self-assessment initiative, through which media institutions are able to critically assess their own media products from the perspectives of discriminatory and imbalanced portraying of women and men labour migrants and their role in the development of the local societies and economies.

The following activities will be undertaken in two oblasts in Kazakhstan:

Facilitate partnership to develop a strategy on the social integration of labour migrants.

Initiatives to support the social integration of labour migrants are mainly being undertaken by civil society organizations and the diaspora on an ad-hoc basis. To ensure that effective measures on the social integration of labour migrants are adopted, there is a need for a strategy that helps conceptualize specific local policies on social integration and outlines the roles and responsibilities of development partners. The project supports key partners (municipalities, NGOs, diaspora) to develop a strategy through a participatory process in order to build ownership by relevant partners under the leadership of the local branch of Migration Agency.

Support networks and associations to conduct media campaigns.

The perpetuation of negative or stereotyped images of women and men labour migrants, particularly in the media, does not provide an accurate or realistic picture of the roles and contribution of labour migration to local economies in receiving countries. The elimination of these stereotypes is paramount for the establishment of a human rights based and gender responsive environment which is friendly and conducive for the social integration of women and men labour migrants. Whilst the media cannot be held responsible for the actions, attitudes or behaviour of individuals, it is powerful in shaping public opinion, bringing new issues or perspectives to light, and defining the terms of public debate. This activity therefore focuses on strengthening the capacity of local civil society organizations and the diaspora to work with the media to promote a more positive image of labour migrants.



Output I: Polices for managing migration are evidence-based and effectively implemented.

Support the collection and sharing of gender-disaggregated data on migration.

CARMP supports the State Registration Agency to collect a minimum set of gender-disaggregated indicators on migration, integrate them into its database, and share the data with relevant authorities, particularly the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Migration (MOLEM). CARMP supported inter-ministerial group ensures the development and implementation of an effective data sharing mechanism.

CARMP trains at least 60 government employees directly involved on migration data collection and use mechanisms. The training is done based on the developed training modules and material. Data is collected not only at headquarters level, but also at provincial level. Therefore, training on data collection and use is conducted for government employees at both central and local level.

Promote adoption of evidence-based policies and effective legislation.

CARMP provides information about international standards and practices, as well as expert advice on specific aspects of migration management to ensure that informed policy choices are made.

CARMP commissioned experts analyze data and prepare analytical notes with gender sensitive recommendations for improvements to secondary legislation, by-laws and other normative acts, which contribute to improving mechanisms for managing labour migration processes, which will better respond to the needs of the national economy, respect international standards on protection of migrants’ rights, and reduce irregular migration.

Expert groups analyze the most important aspects of migration policy and propose amendments to laws and regulations, which are discussed with a range of stakeholders (Ministry of Labour, Employment and Migration, representatives of other relevant government agencies, Parliament, local authorities, and NGOs) and subsequently submitted to the Kyrgyz Government for adoption.

When amending and developing polices and regulations, CARMP ensures that these documents are gender mainstreamed, i.e. men’s and women’s rights and interests are equally addressed.

Particular attention is given to how environmental issues, such as areas continuously affected by natural disasters, act as ‘push’ factors and force the population into migrating to other regions within the country or abroad.

Train stakeholders involved in developing and implementing labour migration policies.

CARMP assists the newly reorganized government structures in charge of migration in establishing a sustainable training system for its staff, both at the national and provincial level. In this sense, CARMP equips a training classroom provided by the Ministry and train a group of trainers that will ensure effective sharing of knowledge.

First of all training needs are assessed: what topics of labour migration management need to be addressed most, how much training is needed, at what level, etc. Based on this, experts develop a training methodology and material.

After a successful training of trainers series of training events are conducted for government officials at decision-making level; specialists; service-providers throughout the Kyrgyz Republic: Osh, Batken, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Chuy oblasts.

Output II: Improved regional partnerships, dialogue and coordination on selected migration issues.

CARMP provides specialized expert advice to Migration Service to prepare and follow up on EurAsEC high level and expert group meetings. Topics for briefing notes are agreed and include gender issues.

Output III: Labour migrants and their families benefit from a broader range of gender sensitive services provided throughout migration cycle.

CARMP provides assistance to the newly established Centre for Employment Abroad of MOLEM, the Ministry’s unit that is responsible for providing services to labour migrants. In cooperation with this Centre and CARMP NGO partners conduct an information campaign throughout the country.

Support government to pilot the Centre for Employment Abroad.

The Centre is the only state agency that has a mandate to provide direct services to labour migrants and their families. The Centre assists not only labour migrants, but also serves as a focal point for networking among other actors involved in labour migration process such as Private Recruitment Agencies, NGOs running hotlines and others. The Centre also maintains close communication with Migrant Resource Centres abroad, Diaspora Centres located in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, and labour attaches protecting rights and interests of labour migrants during employment stage.

The establishment of this Centre is a pilot initiative and its success will determine the future of labour migration management in the country. If this Centre succeeds in what it intends to achieve, the Ministry will have a live example of a successful agency which could be mirrored in other cities and towns of Kyrgyzstan. The Centre’s success could be used by the Ministry as a justification in requesting funds from the Parliament for replicating this model in other areas of the country.

CARMP provides technical assistance to the MOLEM on the necessary organizational and functional structures of the Centre and develops rules and regulations for the operation of the Centre. The first floor of the Centre is designed to provide services based on simplified procedures, a so called one-stop-shop where labour migrants can receive all necessary services.

The Centre’s staff receives training on service delivery for labour migrants. Pre-departure and pre-employment orientation material are disseminated in hard copies, broadcasted in the form of videos via TV screens at the Centre and Internet.

Information campaign with NGOs partners.

The distribution of information is one of the most efficient tools in informing labour migrants about their rights.

CARMP supports the development of information material then work with 11 NGO partners for distribution. The information material include booklets, leaflets and brochures containing information on how to obtain employment abroad legally, how to protect migrants’ rights, which offices to approach if rights are violated, with detailed contact information of such offices in the Kyrgyz Republic and destination countries.

IOM has 35 NGO partners spread out geographically throughout the country with whom IOM implements projects, as well as utilising their capacity to reach out to the population living in remote areas of the country. Ten NGO partners are selected to conduct CARMP. The programme conducts migration training for these NGO partners, focusing on the pre-employment stage of the labour migration process.

The selected NGO partners are provided with grants for conducting information campaigns during the period of this project. They are provided with information materials disseminated in small villages, towns and cities. At least 40,000 information products are disseminated and 132 information seminars are conducted throughout the Kyrgyz Republic.

Output IV: Families of labour migrants in the sending countries enhance their skills and knowledge to improve their livelihoods.

CARMP activities under output four aim to enhance skills and knowledge to improve livelihoods in Kyrgyzstan. Within this output, the project will focus on enhancing the capacity of labour migrants’ families through self-help and self-reliance to contribute to increasing well-being and sustainable livelihoods.

CARMP supports to the members of families of labour migrants to organize in self-help groups to enhanced the economic self-reliance of those families; and,
CARMP also establishes partnership with civil society organizations, community activists and religious leaders to promote the rights of women within labour migrant families: mandatory observance of official registration of marriages (guaranteed property rights in case of divorce); measures for ensuring civic registration of women (a growing number of rural women do not have passports); measures for reducing domestic violence.

The following activities are conducted in Kyrgyzstan:

Defining the villages/towns for mobilization.

In Kyrgyzstan the initial identification of the sites is done in 30 villages where in accordance to UNIFEM village profiles the number of families of labour migrants is close to 3,600 families. The target is to support 1,500 families of labour migrants, but through consultation with UNDP and IOM the project may consider other provinces.

CARMP intends to reinforce the ongoing initiatives on local development by assisting labour migrants families’ economic self-reliance and thus contributing to the poverty reduction at local level.

Facilitate the process of formation of labour migrants families’ self help groups (SHG).

There is a wealth of experience on how to mobilize poor people for self-help initiatives. UN Women’s main partnership in Kyrgyzstan - Community Development Alliance holds a vast experience and expertise on self-help group mobilization and leads on this output.

The mobilization process includes several stages:

  • a series of meetings with the families of labour migrants during which the purpose of SHG is explained, including the opportunities provided by the membership in SHG;
  • self-selection of members is applied, i.e. group must be formed by members who are willing to work (based on mutual interest);
  • facilitation of the process of forming the group, electing group-governing body (leaders, treasures, etc.), establishing of group rules, etc; and,
  • village animators prepare a household profile of each member of SHG, which will form the baseline for family’s livelihoods level at the outset of the project.

Facilitate the process of strengthening the SHGs.

Once a group is formed, the village animators facilitate the process of establishing a leadership and management system, drafting the SHG codes, reflecting rights-based rules and procedures, and establishing good communication and cooperation between members of the SHG. To ensure positive group dynamics the animator provides training for SHGs (both jointly with other SHGs and on an individual basis) and continuous support to ensure group cohesion, solidarity and capacity to resolve members’ problems. The training programme is developed based on the capacity needs assessment of the members of SHGs. The families of labour migrants jointly learn how to start small scale economic activities; get access and master their knowledge and skills in business planning, book-keeping, savings. SHG members can jointly access to agricultural extension services and seeds programmes. Solidarity and mutual trust fostered within the group helps them to get access to non-collateral micro-credit schemes, etc.

Mapping of micro credit/business development/agricultural extension services /seed programmes.

One of major constraints preventing families of labour migrants from running sustainable economic activities is lack of awareness on existing opportunities to relevant programmes. To address this gap, CARMP conducts a mapping of services. In Kyrgyzstan micro-credit agencies exist in every oblast. Based on the findings of the mapping CARMP defines the most suitable Micro Finance Initiative (MFI) for the families of labour migrants.

CARMP establishes a partnership with the selected MFI and at the same time works to establish a relationship with the National Bank, which is responsible for overall oversight and formulation of standards for MFI operations. The aim is to ensure that the MFIs are aware of the particular situation of migrants' families.

CARMP also conduct a mapping of existing business development /agricultural extension services. A formal arrangement is drafted between the project and the selected service provider to ensure that families of migrants are targeted by the different services.

Support to members of SHGs to get access to micro-credit and effectively manage their business.

SHGs are provided with information on how to access micro-credit schemes, business development programmes and agricultural extension services identified through the mapping. The members of SHGs receive information on the rules/procedures of the micro-credit scheme and prepare business plans for credit application. CARMP assists the SHGs in establishing good working relationships with micro-crediting officers, who provides support to the members of SHGs in the process of the preparation of business plans, and then during the monitoring of credit repayment. While CARMP provides information to SHGs on existing micro-crediting schemes and assists in linking SHGs to MFIs, it is planned that SHGs gradually take responsibility for maintaining good working relationships for subsequent and regular access to credit.

Facilitate SHG networking at district level for sharing experience and for sharing experience and for mutual assistance.


Output I: Polices for managing migration are evidence-based and effectively implemented.

Promotion of adoption of evidence-based policies and effective legislation.

CARMP analyzes the implementation of existing migration policy through administrative and judicial practices, with a view to proposing gender sensitive recommendations for improvements to the current legislative framework.

CARMP conducts a number of studies agreed with the Federal Migration Service on topics related to analysis of migration flows; assessment of labour migration impact on the socio-economic situation in the countries of origin and destination; assessment of the labour migration market; the reintegration of labour migrants in the countries of origin. The results of this analytical work contribute to the implementation of the activities around xenophobia and discrimination of labour migrants. Some of these papers are used as baseline information.

CARMP also analyzes federal and regional legislation; administrative and court decisions in implementing migration laws (federal and oblast); and conflicts of law in administrative and judicial practices with regard to labour migrants and employers.

Training of stakeholders involved in developing and implementing labour migration policies.

Improved policies and legislation on labour migration cannot be effectively implemented if government officials and other stakeholders do not possess necessary skills for implementation. CARMP supports training of migration practitioners, with a focus on the specific needs of each country. Gender sessions are integrated into the training programmes, developed based on the assessment of knowledge among migration agencies staff on gender equality and human rights aspects of labour migration.

CARMP trains government officials (mainly Federal Migration Service), on national and regions level on implementation of migration policy and selected specialized migration issues, but also provides training to employers, who hire labour migrants from the Central Asian Republics in their business, with a view to promote the legal ways of employment.

The main objective of the training is to increase the skills of the government staff on labour migration regulations.

CARMP also trains businessmen and entrepreneurs who hire labour migrants from the Central Asian Republics in their businesses. During the training they learn about the legal aspects and the mechanisms of the recruitment process.

Output II: Improved regional partnerships, dialogue and coordination on selected migration issues.

CARMP provides specialized expert advice to Migration Service to prepare and follow up on EurAsEC high level and expert group meetings. Topics for briefing notes are agreed and include gender issues.

Output III: Labour migrants and their families benefit from a broader range of gender sensitive services provided throughout migration cycle.

In Russia the following activities are undertaken to contribute to the Output III:

  • Establish an Information Centre in Moscow and counselling through regional counterparts in selected oblasts;
  • Develop and test a Pilot Recruitment Scheme for 100 migrants; and,
  • Design and deliver comprehensive information campaigns aimed at labour migrants.

Establish the Information Centre in Moscow and counselling in St.Petersburg.

CARMP established Information Centre provides comprehensive information, consultative and psychological assistance to labour migrants, including the most vulnerable social groups such as women-migrants, irregular migrants, etc. The Centre collects information on migration related issues via the consultations held. This work supports analysis of the migration situation and assists the formulation of proposals to promote legal migration. Assistance and counselling for labour migrants is also provided in selected Russian regions through NGOs partners.

The Centre personnel includes: Director, two consultants and one part-time (50%) lawyer. More information about the Centre is available here.

Design and deliver comprehensive information campaigns

The aim of the information campaign is to inform the target audience as to the risks related to irregular migration and irregular employment and to provide them with legal assistance and counselling. Most of migrants are not aware of the practical, legal, social and economic difficulties, the conditions in the countries of destination; they are not familiar with the laws and policies that may affect their current and future situations. Information materials are disseminated in a targeted manner through the national and regional networks of state and non-state organizations.

CARMP designs and delivers training programmes for labour migrants. It is planned that around 100,000 migrants will be targeted through the information campaign.

Output V: Increase capacity of civil society organizations to support measures to increase social tolerance of labour migrants and reduce xenophobia in destination countries.

In Russia the activities under this output to are undertaken to increase the social tolerance of the local population towards labour migrants.

CARMP supports a media scan and media self-assessment initiative, through which media institutions are able to critically assess their own media products from the perspectives of discriminatory and imbalanced portraying of women and men labour migrants and their role in the development of the local societies and economies.

The following activities will be undertaken in 2 oblasts in Russia:

Facilitate partnership to develop a strategy on the social integration of labour migrants.

Initiatives to support the social integration of labour migrants are mainly being undertaken by civil society organizations and the diaspora on an ad-hoc basis. To ensure that effective measures on the social integration of labour migrants are adopted, there is a need for a strategy that helps conceptualize specific local policies on social integration and outlines the roles and responsibilities of development partners. The project supports key partners (municipalities, NGOs, diaspora) to develop a strategy through a participatory process in order to build ownership by relevant partners under the leadership of the local branch of Migration Agency.

Support networks and associations to conduct media campaigns.

The perpetuation of negative or stereotyped images of women and men labour migrants, particularly in the media, does not provide an accurate or realistic picture of the roles and contribution of labour migration to local economies in receiving countries. The elimination of these stereotypes is paramount for the establishment of a human rights based and gender responsive environment which is friendly and conducive for the social integration of women and men labour migrants. Whilst the media cannot be held responsible for the actions, attitudes or behaviour of individuals, it is powerful in shaping public opinion, bringing new issues or perspectives to light, and defining the terms of public debate. This activity therefore focuses on strengthening the capacity of local civil society organizations and the diaspora to work with the media to promote a more positive image of labour migrants.


Output I: Polices for managing migration are evidence-based and effectively implemented.

CARMP supports the creation of a gender- disaggregated database on migration managed by the Ministry of Interior’s Migration Service (MS) and fosters coordination and data sharing between the Migration Service and the State Border Guards Committee. The creation of the databases contributes to a clear delineation of functions and decreased inter-agency competition. Government officials and other stakeholders involved in the management of databases are trained.

A separate database on job vacancies (www.kor.tj) is created in collaboration with the State Agency on Employment and Social Protection (SAESP) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MoLSP). A website based on this database offers information on: (i) employment prospects; (ii) available vocational training courses; (iii) market profile and updates; (iv) standard labour contracts and forms; (v) service providers (medical examination and language centres, financial institutions); (vi) bilateral labour agreements; salary rates; (vii) publications, research and statistics.

Manuals on how to use database are developed; and government staff is trained on the data base use and management. The data is integrated into the official statistics of the State Statistic Committee (SSC) on regular basis.

Coordination and cooperation between the Migration Service and the State Border Guards Committee (SBGC) under the State Committee of National Security (SCNS) improves. Migration cards were introduced by the MS, aimed at identifying migration flow from Tajikistan are not filled in at border controls as this is not requested by the SBGC officers. A process of dialogue and the signing of a joint agreement between the two agencies aims to identify responsibilities and mechanisms of cooperation. A training session provided for the officers on border check points responsible for collection of migration cards should improve bilateral understanding.

Output II: Improved regional partnerships, dialogue and coordination on selected migration issues.

CARMP provides specialized expert advice to Migration Service to prepare and follow up on EurAsEC high level and expert group meetings. Topics for briefing notes are agreed and include gender issues.

Output III: Labour migrants and their families benefit from a broader range of gender sensitive services provided throughout migration cycle.

CARMP provides assistance to establish a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and to strengthen coordination and cooperation among agencies. In addition, operational support is provided for Migrants Support Centres, run by NGOs. Information campaigns are conducted in cooperation with all project partners.

CARMP provides assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to conduct an initial country assessment prior to establishing the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) to identify which agencies and NGOs are the key actors in migration activities, and which of them should be part of the NRM. This activity aims at ensuring government responsibility in establishing an efficient referral mechanism for migrants who need employment, protection, health care, and social assistance.

The second step is the design and implementation of the NRM, including participating agencies/structures, standard operating procedures, and a programme of action.

Support to NGOs operating Migrants Support Centres (MSCs).

MSCs are established on the basis of the 7 existing IOM NGO partners representing all provinces of Tajikistan. Support is provided in the form of grants. This financial support is necessary for NGOs to provide appropriate assistance to migrants. This assistance deals with various issues such as raising awareness of migration-related issues among labour migrants, their families and the population as a whole. NGOs are mainly entrusted with tasks of (a) awareness-raising among migrants; (b) organizing seminars to promote regular labour migration; (c) counselling support and referral assistance; It is expected to target about 24,000 direct beneficiaries with assistance provided by the MSCs within a three-year period.

Production and dissemination of information.

In total, 150,000 copies of printed materials are produced and disseminated via CARMP counterparts. CARMP also produces Public Service Announcements (PSAs) of 60 seconds each to be aired through local radio and television stations. The PSAs are used by the MSCs on a daily basis to be shown at the centres during migrants’ visits.

Output IV: Families of labour migrants in the sending countries enhance their skills and knowledge to improve their livelihoods.

CARMP activities under output four aim to enhance skills and knowledge to improve livelihoods in Tajikistan. Within this output, the project will focus on enhancing the capacity of labour migrants’ families through self-help and self-reliance to contribute to increasing well-being and sustainable livelihoods.

CARMP supports to the members of families of labour migrants to organise in self-help groups to enhanced the economic self-reliance of those families; and,
CARMP also establishes partnership with civil society organizations, community activists and religious leaders to promote the rights of women within labour migrant families: mandatory observance of official registration of marriages (guaranteed property rights in case of divorce); measures for ensuring civic registration of women (a growing number of rural women do not have passports); measures for reducing domestic violence.

The following activities are conducted in Tajikistan:

Defining the villages/towns for mobilization.

In Tajikistan the project sites for this output are defined within two oblasts which have the highest number (compare to other regions of the country) of economic active population – Khatlon province 47.1% and Suhgd province 44.9%. In the latter, the identification of villages for project interventions will be conducted in close partnership with the ongoing UNDP/DFID Rural Growth Programme.

CARMP intends to reinforce the ongoing initiatives on local development by assisting labour migrants families’ economic self-reliance and thus contributing to the poverty reduction at local level.

Facilitate the process of formation of labour migrants families’ self help groups (SHG).

There is a wealth of experience on how to mobilize poor people for self-help initiatives. UN Women’s main partnership in Tajikistan - Association Women and Society holds a vast experience and expertise on self-help group mobilization and leads on this output.

The mobilization process includes several stages:

  • a series of meetings with the families of labour migrants during which the purpose of SHG is explained, including the opportunities provided by the membership in SHG;
  • self-selection of members is applied, i.e. group must be formed by members who are willing to work (based on mutual interest);
  • facilitation of the process of forming the group, electing group-governing body (leaders, treasures, etc.), establishing of group rules, etc; and,
  • village animators1 prepare a household profile of each member of SHG, which will form the baseline for family’s livelihoods level at the outset of the project.

Facilitate the process of strengthening the SHGs.

Once a group is formed, the village animators facilitate the process of establishing a leadership and management system, drafting the SHG codes, reflecting rights-based rules and procedures, and establishing good communication and cooperation between members of the SHG. To ensure positive group dynamics the animator provides training for SHGs (both jointly with other SHGs and on an individual basis) and continuous support to ensure group cohesion, solidarity and capacity to resolve members’ problems. The training programme is developed based on the capacity needs assessment of the members of SHGs. The families of labour migrants jointly learn how to start small scale economic activities; get access and master their knowledge and skills in business planning, book-keeping, savings. SHG members can jointly access to agricultural extension services and seeds programmes. Solidarity and mutual trust fostered within the group helps them to get access to non-collateral micro-credit schemes, etc.

Mapping of micro credit/business development/agricultural extension services /seed programmes.

One of major constraints preventing families of labour migrants from running sustainable economic activities is lack of awareness on existing opportunities to relevant programmes. To address this gap, CARMP conducts a mapping of services. In Tajikistan micro-credit agencies exist in every oblast. Based on the findings of the mapping CARMP defines the most suitable Micro Finance Initiative (MFI) for the families of labour migrants.

CARMP establishes a partnership with the selected MFI and at the same time works to establish a relationship with the National Bank, which is responsible for overall oversight and formulation of standards for MFI operations. The aim is to ensure that the MFIs are aware of the particular situation of migrants' families.

CARMP also conduct a mapping of existing business development /agricultural extension services. A formal arrangement is drafted between the project and the selected service provider to ensure that families of migrants are targeted by the different services.

Support to members of SHGs to get access to micro-credit and effectively manage their business.

SHGs are provided with information on how to access micro-credit schemes, business development programmes and agricultural extension services identified through the mapping. The members of SHGs receive information on the rules/procedures of the micro-credit scheme and prepare business plans for credit application. CARMP assists the SHGs in establishing good working relationships with micro-crediting officers, who provides support to the members of SHGs in the process of the preparation of business plans, and then during the monitoring of credit repayment. While CARMP provides information to SHGs on existing micro-crediting schemes and assists in linking SHGs to MFIs, it is planned that SHGs gradually take responsibility for maintaining good working relationships for subsequent and regular access to credit.

Facilitate SHG networking at district level for sharing experience and for sharing experience and for mutual assistance.


1 Village animators can be selected from within the village and be paid the symbolic fee from the funds of NGOs, in certain cases the village animators can be the members of the NGO.

Публикации, разработанные в рамках CARM

Публикации, отчёты и аналитические записки, разработанные либо переведённые на русский язык в рамках программы в России

Балльная система отбора мигрантов: взгляд из России. 2013

Балльная система Канады. 2013

Равный доступ к достойному труду: обеспечение гендерно- чувствительного подхода к трудовой миграции. 2013

Иностранный работник на российском рынке труда: характеристики, зарплаты, мобильность (по результатам социологического обследования). 2013

Система квотирования для привлечения иностранной рабочей силы в США. 2013

Международные стандарты занятости иностранных граждан – домашних работников. 2013

Политика и механизмы стимулирования миграции предпринимателей и инвесторов. Международный опыт и лучшие практики. 2013

Обзор систем регулирования экономической миграции. 2013

Экономическая миграция и рынок труда: Оценка спроса и предложения с целью выбора наиболее эффективных инструментов регулирования миграции. 2013

Опыт разработки нормативных документов, направленных на введение патентов как разрешительных документов на осуществление трудовой деятельности в Казахстане. 2013

Привлечение иностранной рабочей силы в Республику Казахстан. 2013

Управление трудовой миграцией и реализация схем организованного привлечения иностранной рабочей силы. Информационный бюллетень. Выпуск 2. 2012

Временная и циркулярная миграция: эмпирические данные, современная практика управления и варианты дальнейшего развития в странах Европейского союза. 2011

Совершенствование системы доступа мигрантов с неурегулированным правовым статусом к медицинским услугам в ЕС. Сравнительная таблица с пояснениями

Аналитический доклад по итогам международного научно-практического семинара "Миграция на постсоветском пространстве - тенденции, последствия и перспективы". 2011

Обзор систем иммиграционного отбора: бальная система и система отбора на основе заявок от работодателей. 2011

Временная и циркулярная миграция: возможности и ограничения. Рабочий доклад №35 Центра Европейской Политики. 2011

Законодательство и политика в области интеграции иммигрантов. Сборник законодательства, политики и практики 19 государств в области интеграции иммигрантов. 2011

Практическое пособие. Правовые основы привлечения и использования неквалифицированных и низкоквалифицированных иностранных работников - граждан третьих стран в 27 государствах Европейского союза. 2010

Руководство по созданию единого центра обслуживания: новое предложение по организации центра содействия интеграции иммигрантов. 2009

Публикации, отчёты и аналитические записки, разработанные в рамках программы в Казахстане

Доступ трудящихся мигрантов из Кыргызской Республики и Республики Таджикистан к социальным услугам в Казахстане. Результаты социологического исследования. 2011

Сборник законодательных актов Республики Казахстан по вопросам миграции населения. 2010

Что вам необходимо знать, если вы приехали в Казахстан

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