
Scientific - Practical Conference on Issues of Labour Migration

On 23 October 2013 representatives of IOM Moscow took part in the scientific - practical conference on issues of labour migration, which took place at the Moscow State Law University (MSLA) by the name of O.E. Kutafin.

This event was held in the framework of the cooperation of the Government of Moscow and the Senate of Berlin.

The main topics of discussion were - improving migration policy of the Russian Federation, taking into account the concept of its development and the recently adopted regulations on the integration of migrant workers and national policy in the Russian Federation; labour migration in the regulatory system and forecasting of macroeconomic indicators, including the labour market; social integration of migrant workers, its humanitarian and legal aspects of the multicultural space of the capital city.

The participants of the conference were interested with presentation made by the representative of IOM Moscow "Migration Policy : International Practice", which provided an example of development and incorporation into legal practice of objective indexes, that allow to rank the states by the effectiveness of policies and law in the field of labour migration.