
Training on Fight Against TB for Children

Bureau of International organization for migration took part in the activity “Together We Fight against TB!” which was organized in frames of All-Russian drawing contest and devoted to the World Day of Fight against TB.

In 2011 we mark 100 years since the first anti-TB Action in Russia “The White Flower of Life” with the symbol of white chamomile, known all over the world. The Russian Red Cross is one of the most active organizers and implementers of this Action. This anniversary year the Russian Red Cross announced the all-Russia Contest of Children Drawings under the slogan “Together We Fight against TB!”, devoted to 24th of March - World TB Day.

This year the Bureau of IOM in Moscow joined the initiative of the contest organization, and on the 3rd of March IOM colleagues did a mini-performance for migrants’ children and their teachers in Moscow school of Russian language #1450. In course of the play children knew about the essence of the TB problem and about importance of joint fight against tuberculosis of medical workers and the society. The scenario of the performance based on the plot of the popular Russian children’s tale “Doctor Ai-Bolit “, which tells about the doctor who was curing cubs and small children and taught them what to do to stay strong and healthy. Children have also took part in the brain storm play “Chamomile” –discussing the topic “How not to develop TB”. Children correctly named important measures for protection of own health and health of other people. In the end of the performance IOM colleagues announced the conditions of the contest of drawings and gave presents: materials for drawing for each child.

Teachers warmly thanked IOM staff members for the care and interest towards the kids and their health, and expressed desire for future cooperation.

On the 18th of March 2011 in the premises of the museum of the Russian Red Cross the jury of the Contest announced the winners. IOM Moscow has prepared ten prices for such achievements as “The Best Pencil-Work”, “For Thematic Presentation”, “For Originality”, the winners were awarded memorable gifts (plays and books). All migrants’ children received colorful certificated from IOM.